2024 Festival Dates and Details
It is expected that the majority of participants will perform in person, including choirs (although note that choirs at the provincial level will be conducted via video). However, there will be an option, in special circumstances, to record a performance at the discretion of the Board if live participation is not possible.
Where class entries are recorded, we will send the recordings to our adjudicators who will evaluate the performances and return written adjudications. Live feedback from adjudicators may be arranged virtually or in person during the festival, at the discretion of the organizers. There will be no live audiences during recording sessions.
Choral/Vocal Classes will take place
February 29 – March 2, 2024
Band Classes, April 16-17th
Brass, Woodwind, Guitar, Composition will take place on
Brass, Woodwind, Guitar, Composition will take place on
April 16th – 17th, 2024, Evening
Instrumental/strings and teachers’ workshop, April 18th
Piano; 18th – 21st April;
Piano workshop for teachers, 22nd April.
Instrumental/strings and teachers’ workshop, April 18th
Piano; 18th – 21st April;
Piano workshop for teachers, 22nd April.
Our Showcase Concert will happen on May 7, 2024.
Thank you for your support of the Yellowknife Music Festival – stay well!